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McKenzie Method. Movement is Medicine.

Dr. Cindy has been utilizing the McKenzie Method since 2017. She has been certified in the McKenzie Method since 2019. She is one of 2 chiropractors in the state of Iowa who is certified. She is one of 12 practitioners in the state of Iowa who is certified. Being certified means you are proficient in both the assessment and execution of the technique. It involved passing both a written and practical examination and is maintained with continual education.

What is the McKenzie Method?

The McKenzie Method of MDT is a reliable assessment process intended for all musculoskeletal problems, including pain in the back, neck and extremities (i.e., shoulder, knee, ankle etc.), as well as issues associated with sciatica, sacroiliac joint pain, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, muscle spasms and intermittent numbness in hands or feet.

It is a way to determine the classification of a condition, which will then allow for a more direct treatment approach. In most situations the diagnosis (what you call a disorder/condition/injury) provides very little consistency with regards to a standard of care. McKenzie method focuses more on the response different tissues have to loads and injuries and then utilizes this knowledge for a more efficient treatment approach. It is patient focused and involves no intervention from any passive modalities. It emphasizes the patient actively moving to help treat themselves. For a lot of patients, this is counterintuitive to what they have been exposed to in the past. Rest assured, it works and if your treatment is guided by a certified physician, then you have nothing to worry about. The beauty of the assessment is that it also makes it easier to determine when imaging is necessary and referrals to other physicians are needed. To often, many medical professionals put too much emphasis on the imaging of a person. The imaging shows the injury but gives no insight into how the patient is accommodating to it. Health care needs to shift towards assessing how a person functions with the injury, versus the picture of the injury. The picture of the injury tells us very little about the symptoms and quality of life of the patient. There are many people that walk around asymptomatic with disc bulges, rotator cuff tears, and/or signs of tendinosis. There are also many patients walking around in pain with no signs of disc bulges, rotator cuff tears, and/or signs of tendinosis on their imaging. The point is, the patient’s presentation and their response to different mechanical loads is what is important, and it is what will help guide the clinician to the proper treatment plan.

If you or any one you know have any questions, please never hesitate to reach out to us!

Phone: 515-332-8154

*Message us on Facebook as well

As always, rock your week!

Dr. Cindy

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