After graduation, I was so excited to start applying what I’ve learned from school and seminars
to the ‘real world!’ As I’m sure we all know, the ‘real world’ is much different than what they
teach you in school. It is very fast-paced, exhilarating, and enjoyable--yet very challenging. One
thing that stood out to me the most after graduating is how little some folks understand the
importance of healthy habits and taking care of yourself. We only have one body throughout this
lifetime, we ought to take care of it! Right?
Here are a few things that you can do to start caring for yourself and your body!
Drink a Gallon of Water a Day
Water plays a huge role in our bodies functioning optimally. It helps transport nutrients,
keep joints lubricated, protects the spinal cord, excretes waste through.
sweating/urinating/bowel movements etc. among many other roles.
150 mins of Moderate Intensity Every Week
Did you know that resistance training helps prevent osteoporosis later in life? Not only
does exercise help combat health conditions/diseases, it also is important for mental
health, weight management, building strength, boosting energy, and promoting better
sleep. Per the CDC, it is recommended to get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise
a week and 2 days of resistance-training a week. Whether you like going for daily walks,
throwing weights around in the gym or playing pickleball, getting the body moving daily
creates so many benefits. Movement is medicine!
Eat Whole Foods
How we fuel our body correlates with how we function. By eating plenty of fruits,
veggies, and quality protein, we can begin to see an improvement in immune function,
positive mood changes, reduction of stress, better digestive health, and an improvement
in heart health to name a few. Whole foods can be defined as a food that hasn’t been
processed in any way or have had additives added to it. When foods become processed, it
strips away the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which makes it harder for our bodies to
function optimally. By cutting out processed foods like deli meats, cereals, sugary
beverages (sweet tea, energy drinks, sodas), packaged snacks (chips, cookies, pastries),
frozen meals, or canned soups can be huge in promoting healthy changes for your body!
Practice Gratitude
Whether starting a gratitude journal, focusing on the positives throughout the day,
thanking someone new each week, or meditating, there’s a bunch of different ways to
express thankfulness. A switch in mindset can show a decrease in anxiety, relieve stress,
and reduce depression. If you’re interested in learning more, check out The Happiness
Advantage by Shawn Anchor.